
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ali Zırh attends dozens of different conferences every year on current treatment methods and Deep Brain Stimulation in the field of movement disorders.
World Society for Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery, Functional Brain Surgery Conference, Dubai, November 15-18, 2023
"Neuromodulation in Parkinson's and Movement Disorders: Current state and the Future of Neurostimulation" at The Future Healthcare Istanbul, September 28, 2023
Walter E. Dandy Neurosurgical Club’s Functional Neurosurgery Module (Online), 20 December 2022
DBS Treatment in Parkinson's (Online)
The Future of DBS and Neurostimulation in Movement Disorders, TND İzmir Meetings / İzmir On-line Neurosurgery, March 14, 2022
Brain surgery (Online)
Medipol Medical Students Association (Online)
DBS treatment in Parkinson's and movement disorders
Living with Parkinson's during Pandemic (Online)
Living with Parkinson's
Deep Brain Stimulation
Microelectrode recording and stimulation technique applications in the surgical treatment of movement disorders
Surgical treatment of movement disorders
Microelectrode-guided Implantation of Deep Brain Stimulators
DBS Applications in the Treatment of Movement Disorders
Movement Disorders DBS surgery Neurology Conference
DBS Applications in the Treatment of Movement Disorders
Micro-electrode Recording Technique in Movement Disorder Surgery Turkish Neurosurgery Society Stereotactic, Functional and Pain and Epilepsy Surgery Education and Training Group Spring Symposium
Surgical Treatment and DBS Applications in Movement Disorders: Turkish experience
STN Stimulation techniques in Parkinson's Disease
Spasticity Treatment
Surgical treatment of movement disorders
Surgical Treatment in Parkinson's Disease Unresponsive to Medical Treatment
Surgical Treatment in Parkinson's Disease (Panel)
Surgical Treatment of Parkinson's Disease
Surgical Treatment in Movement Disorders
Surgical Treatment of Parkinson's Disease (Panel)
5.Ulusal Parkinson ve Hareket Bozuklukları Sempozyumu Ağaoğlu My Resort, Bursa, 20-23 Mayıs 2003
Kime, Ne Zaman, Nereye ve Hangi Teknikle Cerrahi Girişim?
4.Parkinson Hastalığı ve Hareket Bozuklukları Sempozyumu Kemer, Antalya, 24-27 Mayıs 2001
Surgical Treatment of Movement Disorders - Turkish Experience
4.Parkinson Hastalığı ve Hareket Bozuklukları Sempozyumu Kemer, Antalya, 24-27 Mayıs 2001
Hareket Bozukluklarında Cerrahi Uygulamalar
Fonksiyonel Nöroşirürjide Mikroelektrod Kayıt ve Stimülasyon Teknikleri
Türk Nöroşirürji Derneği XIV. Bilimsel Kongresi Kemer, Antalya, 20 Mayıs 2000
Spinal Cord Stimulation in Failed Back Syndrome and Angina Pectoris
Innovations in Functional Neurosurgery
Pain in Neurosurgery
Turkish Neurosurgery Society Istanbul Meetings, 1998.
Tremor and Surgical Treatment
Parkinson's Disease Association Movement Disorders Meetings Cerrahpaşa Medical Faculty 26 December 1997 Friday
Functional Neurosurgery and Pallidotomy
VKV American Hospital Medical Lectures Series, November 24, 1997
Functional Neurosurgery's Today
Ege Nöroloji Derneği Bilimsel Toplantıları İzmir Tabipler Odası Toplantı Salonu 14 Kasım 1997 Cuma
Current Concepts in Functional Neurosurgery
Amerikan Hastanesi Nöroşirürji Depatmanı Bilimsel Toplantılar Dizisi II Divan Oteli, Elmadağ, 19 Ağustos 1996.
Stereotactic Brain Biopsy in Non-neoplastic Lesions of the Central Nervous System
Turkish Neurosurgery Society IX. Scientific Meeting, Stereotaxy Panel, April 11, 1995, Çeşme, İzmir.
Transpediküler Spinal Stabilization
Turkish Neurosurgery Association Istanbul Group Meeting, 25 March 1994, Istanbul.